Fiona Apple - Tidal (1996)

It turns out 1996 was an important year in music for us. We are back in it to revisit Fiona Apple's Tidal. Fiona's debut album made a splash, for sure, and it resonated with us as teen girls trying to come of age and gain independence under the male gaze. It's a tale as old as time, unfortunately. Lots of big feels as we talk about womanhood, sexuality and gender performance in '90s America.

And don't worry... that hair flip photo is forthcoming! :)

As always, you can find a companion playlist to this episode on our Spotify or Apple Music, get exclusive episodes and behind-the-scenes on Patreon, and connect with us on Instagram. Special thanks to Josh Stauffer (@avoidohio) for designing our logo!
Fiona Apple - Tidal (1996)
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